North Louisiana Area of Narcotics Anonymous Presents Camp Recovery 2019!
Come join us for a weekend of recovery, fellowship and fun!
When: November 8th through 10th 2019
Where: Lake Bistineau State Park Group Campground #1 near Doyline, LA
Preregistration is $40.00 through October 27, 2018
Registration after October 27, 2018 is $50.00
Full registration includes a bunk in a cabin for Friday and Saturday night (20 cabins, each with 8 beds) on a first come first served basis and five meals ( dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday).
For those that can only make part of Camp Recovery there is a day rate of $15.00 per day.
MORE WILL BE REVEALED!! — So check back often!
For information Contact:
Jamie C. 318-219-6406
Micah C. 318-550-8584
Brittani S. 337-513-9855